jason johnson

Helping professional men
go from busy to built


Are you a busy professional or entrepreneur ready to FINALLY get the physique you want, confidence you deserve, and the energy you need….without sacrificing work or your business?

Over the next 12 weeks you will go through a proven system that will help you to skyrocket your energy levels, add muscle and drop body fat, all without endless cardio or spending hours in the gym..and NO eating out of tupperware. 

You will follow a structured and progressive program that will support you in reaching all of your goals with just 3-4 45-minute workouts a week and NO tracking macros required.

We guarantee your results and if you follow the script, push yourself, and still don’t see results we will coach you until you do.



  •  Habits-based so you can crush your goals without the overwhelm.

  •  Game-changing behavioral focus so you can make healthier choices for yourself.

  •  Juggle life’s demands while I guide and support you on your fat loss journey.

Feel amazing, boost your confidence, and kick butt in life! This program paves the way to lasting success!



Here is what awaits you:

  •  Learning Modules: Gain valuable nutrition knowledge to navigate a busy life while relishing your favorite treats guilt-free. Discover the secret to balanced nutrition and weight loss success!

  •  Flexible Meal Plan: Indulge in alcohol or late-night chocolate without regrets! Our meal plan lets you enjoy life's pleasures while achieving fantastic progress.

  •  Delightful Recipes: Say goodbye to recipe stress! Access over 100 wallet-friendly, family-friendly healthy recipes. You don't need to be a culinary to create these delicious meals!"

Lose 5 kilos in the first 30 days or money back guaranteed!



Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all workouts! In our program, we put your health first - not just chasing personal records on the bench press. It's all about movement that brings joy, intensity that suits you, and a touch of strength to empower you!

Here is what you will uncover inside:

  •  Embrace Movement for Vitality: No more dull routines! Discover the art of moving for a healthier life, free from boring programs that don't inspire you.

  •  Personalized Programs, Your Way: It's all about YOUR success and enjoyment. Tailored programs designed to challenge, grow, and let you exercise where and when you feel best.

  •  Efficient Workouts, More Family Time: No need to spend hours in the gym! Reclaim quality moments with your loved ones, instead of sacrificing them to lose weight.

Get the results you want without spending 3 hours a day in the gym!